(49) 30 8184618
Black triangles between teeth?
BEFORE Soft tissue recession due to illness or aging. AFTER The solution and results using a gingival mask after prophylaxis and restorative therapy.
Sensitive and esthetically unpleasing cervicals?
BEFORE Exposed cervicals. AFTER The solution and results using a gingival mask after prophylaxis.
Phonetic Problems?
BEFORE Black edges of crowns showing and exposed cervicals. AFTER The solution and results using a gingival mask after prophylaxis.
Long in the tooth?
BEFORE Receding gums due to illness or old age. AFTER The solution and results using a gingival mask after prophylaxis and restorative therapy.
New implant not an option, or temporarily not possible?
BEFORE Bone and gum deterioration. AFTER Gingival mask as (temporary) soft tissue replacement.
Food constantly caught between the teeth?
BEFORE Bone and gum deterioration after cancer treatment. AFTER Gingival mask as soft tissue replacement.